超级英雄大战GP 假面骑士3号スーパーヒーロー大戦GP 仮面ライダー3号(2015)

6.0 还行

分类:动作  地区:日本  年份:2015 

主演:竹内涼真 中村優一 稲葉友 内田理央 吉井怜 浜野謙太 井俣太良 半田健人 天野浩成 西川俊介 松本岳 中村嘉惟人 矢野優花 山谷花純 倉田てつを 高田延彦 井手らっきょ 笹野高史 片岡鶴太郎 及川光博 上遠野太洸 椿隆之 森本亮治 北条隆博 クリス・ペプラー 関智一 大塚芳忠 

导演:柴崎贵行 / 米村正二 Shoji Yonemura

米村正二 Shoji Yonemura




米诺视频为您提供2015年由竹内涼真,中村優一,稲葉友,内田理央,吉井怜,浜野謙太,井俣太良,半田健人,天野浩成,西川俊介,松本岳,中村嘉惟人,矢野優花,山谷花純,倉田てつを,高田延彦,井手らっきょ,笹野高史,片岡鶴太郎,及川光博,上遠野太洸,椿隆之,森本亮治,北条隆博,クリス・ペプラー,関智一,大塚芳忠主演,柴崎贵行导演的《超级英雄大战GP 假面骑士3号》/原名《スーパーヒーロー大戦GP 仮面ライダー3号》/又名《Superhero Wars GP Kamen Rider 3》动作 电影在线观看完整版,《超级英雄大战GP 假面骑士3号》百度云网盘资源以及《超级英雄大战GP 假面骑士3号》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《超级英雄大战GP 假面骑士3号》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Rain falls on February 10th, 1973, the date that the defeat of ShockerIcon-crosswiki by the hands of Kamen Riders 1Icon-crosswiki and 2Icon-crosswiki was aired on television, as depicted by a television in a junkyard, which is struck by green lightning. Riders 1 and 2 ride off with their painful struggle seemingly at an end, but they are attacked by a car mounted with machine guns and adorned with the Tachibana Racing ClubIcon-crosswiki logo. It turns out that the vehicle is manned by another Kamen Rider who identifies himself as Kamen Rider 3Icon-crosswiki who was designed to destroy Riders 1 and 2. They do battle, but Rider 3 is able to take on both of them easily by himself. Riders 1 and 2 use their Rider Double Kick, but Rider 3's own Rider KickIcon-crosswiki destroys Riders 1 and 2, and a green shockwave covers the land.

超级英雄大战GP 假面骑士3号:章节剧情




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