
0.0 很差

分类:未知 地区:新加坡  年份:2016 

主演:曹国辉 方展发 童冰玉 蔡琦慧 

导演:黄来发 / 吴升儿 / 




米诺视频为您提供2016年由曹国辉,方展发,童冰玉,蔡琦慧主演,黄来发,吴升儿导演的《爱要怎么说》/又名《Beyond Words》未知影视在线观看完整版,《爱要怎么说》百度云网盘资源以及《爱要怎么说》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《爱要怎么说》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

第6感 天有不测之风云,人有旦夕之祸福,计划总是赶不上变化。年过半百存好一笔养老金的梁乐昆,决意提早退休,专心享受家庭生活。未料安逸的生活才开始,乐昆却因媳妇欧

Plot Summary:50-year-old Liang Le Kun (Terence Cao) decides to retire after years of savings and since his only son Liang Yong Xi (Shane Pow) is married. His younger sister Liang Le Ning (Chris Tong) also made plans to study overseas. With his early retirement, Le Kun decides to revisit Sabah with his wife. During their trip, they ruined Xu Wen Jie's (Pierre Png) plans by accident, causing Wen Jie to miss the chance to meet his dream girl. Le Kun's daughter-in-law, Ou Yang Xuan Xuan (Jayley Woo), is accused of embezzling company funds. To help her out, Le Kun forks out a large amount of his savings to hire a good lawyer and the latter turns out to be Wen Jie. Wen Jie manages to win the case but requests a huge amount of pay out for his work. To pay for the hefty fees, Le Ning gives up her study plans and uses her savings to help Le Kun. Le Kun takes up a job in Sabah to make a living for his family and meets Wen Jie's sister Xu Jia Hui (Paige Chua). Will he has a change of heart or will he be able to find the balance between family and career during his sunset years?





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