不请自来The Uninvited(2009)

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分类:剧情 悬疑 恐怖  地区:美国   年份:2009 

主演:艾米莉·布朗宁 阿莉尔·凯贝尔 大卫·斯特雷泽恩 伊丽莎白·班克斯 凯文·麦克纳尔蒂 杰西·莫斯 唐·戴维斯 希瑟·多克森 

导演:查尔斯·瓜德 / 托马斯·瓜德 / 克雷格·罗森伯格 Craig Rosenberg/Doug Miro

克雷格·罗森伯格 Craig Rosenberg/Doug Miro




米诺视频为您提供2009年由艾米莉·布朗宁,阿莉尔·凯贝尔,大卫·斯特雷泽恩,伊丽莎白·班克斯,凯文·麦克纳尔蒂,杰西·莫斯,唐·戴维斯,希瑟·多克森主演,查尔斯·瓜德,托马斯·瓜德导演的《不请自来》/原名《The Uninvited》/又名《蔷花,红莲 美国版 / 姊魅 / 魅... ...回家 / 鬼魅西洋版 / 姐魅情深(台)》剧情 悬疑 恐怖 电影在线观看完整版,《不请自来》百度云网盘资源以及《不请自来》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《不请自来》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

病重的母亲死于火灾,令乖乖女安娜(埃米莉·勃朗宁 Emily Browning 饰)备受打击,甚至企图自杀。经过一段时间的精神康复,安娜获准回到阔别已久的家中,

Plot Summary:After the death of her ill mother in a fire, the young teenager Anna tries to commit suicide and is sent to a mental institution for treatment. Ten months later, Anna still cannot remember what had happened on the night her mother died. Her psychiatric Dr. Silberling, however, discharges her telling that she has resolved her issues. Her father and successful writer, Steven, brings her back home in an isolated mansion nearby the coast. Anna finds that her mother's former nurse, Rachel Summers, is her stepmother now. Anna meets her beloved sister, Alex, swimming in the sea. She discovers that Steven has not delivered the letters and CDs that Alex had sent to her. As time moves on, Anna is haunted by ghosts and she believes that Rachel killed her mother. Alex and Anna decide to look for evidence to prove that Rachel is the murderer and Anna discovers the truth about the fire in the boat house.





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