过关斩将The Running Man(1987)

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分类:动作 科幻 惊悚  地区:美国  年份:1987 

主演:阿诺·施瓦辛格 玛利亚·康柯塔·阿隆索 Jim Brown 杰西·温图拉 Dweezil Zappa 

导演:保罗·迈克尔·格拉泽 / 斯蒂芬·金 Stephen King/Steven E. de Souza

斯蒂芬·金 Stephen King/Steven E. de Souza




米诺视频为您提供1987年由阿诺·施瓦辛格,玛利亚·康柯塔·阿隆索,Jim Brown,杰西·温图拉,Dweezil Zappa主演,保罗·迈克尔·格拉泽导演的《过关斩将》/原名《The Running Man》/又名《魔鬼阿诺 / 威龙猛将 / 逃跑的人 / 跑步者》动作 科幻 惊悚 电影在线观看完整版,《过关斩将》百度云网盘资源以及《过关斩将》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《过关斩将》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

该片延续了施瓦辛格一贯的英雄风格。在2019年,美国已经成为了一个独裁国家,在这里,不容许有不同的声音出现。本(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzen

Plot Summary:In the year 2017, the world economy has collapsed. The great freedoms of the United States are no longer, as the once great nation has sealed off its borders and become a militarized police state, censoring all film, art, literature, and communications. Even so, a small resistance force led by two revolutionaries manages to fight the oppression. With full control over the media, the government attempts to quell the nation's yearning for freedom by broadcasting a number of game shows on which convicted criminals fight for their lives. The most popular and sadistic of these programs is "The Running Man," hosted by Damon Killian. When a peaceful protest of starving citizens gathers in Bakersfield, California, a police officer named Ben Richards is ordered to fire on the crowd, which he refuses to do. Subdued by the other officers, the attack is carried out, and Richards is framed for the murder of almost a hundred unarmed civilians. Following a daring jail break months later, Richards is captured once again and forced to appear on "The Running Man" with three other convicts. With their help, he fights his way through a cadre of sadistic gladiators hunting them down through the ruins of a Los Angeles earthquake, but not promising Killian that he'll return to settle the score when the show's host double-crosses him. In the meantime, the contestants must search through the ruins for the resistance in the hopes of finally broadcasting the truth about the government.





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