
6.0 还行

分类:剧情  地区:美国  年份:2020 

主演:瓦格纳·马拉 安娜·德·阿玛斯 布莱恩·F·奥博恩 加瑞特·迪拉胡特 克雷蒙斯·施伊克 布莱德利·惠特福德 维他亚·潘斯林加姆 萨哈贾克·波斯安吉特 邦妮·泽勒巴克 Will Dalton Jason Anthony Alice Assef Sameera Asir Dollar Tan Pedro Hossi 

导演:格雷格·巴克 / 克莱格·鲍登 Craig Borten

克莱格·鲍登 Craig Borten

2020-01-28(圣丹斯电影节) / 2020-04-17(美国)英语



米诺视频为您提供2020年由瓦格纳·马拉,安娜·德·阿玛斯,布莱恩·F·奥博恩,加瑞特·迪拉胡特,克雷蒙斯·施伊克,布莱德利·惠特福德,维他亚·潘斯林加姆,萨哈贾克·波斯安吉特,邦妮·泽勒巴克,Will Dalton,Jason Anthony,Alice Assef,Sameera Asir,Dollar Tan,Pedro Hossi主演,格雷格·巴克导演的《塞尔吉奥》/原名《Sergio》/又名《Sergio:世界良心(港) / 抢救德梅洛(台)》剧情 电影在线观看完整版,《塞尔吉奥》百度云网盘资源以及《塞尔吉奥》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《塞尔吉奥》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

塞尔吉奥·维埃拉·德梅洛(瓦格纳·马拉饰演)魅力非凡、性格复杂,在他充满传奇的职业生涯中,他大部分时间都以联合国高级外交官的身份在世界上最不稳定的地区工作, 为

Plot Summary:Charismatic and complex, Sergio Vieira de Mello (Wagner Moura) has spent the majority of his storied career as a top UN diplomat working in the world's most unstable regions, deftly navigating deals with presidents, revolutionaries, and war criminals for the sake of protecting the lives of ordinary people. But just as he readies himself for a simpler life with the woman he loves (Ana de Armas), Sergio takes one last assignment - in Baghdad, newly plunged into chaos following the US invasion. The assignment is meant to be brief, until a bomb blast causes the walls of the UN headquarters to come literally crashing down upon him, setting into motion a gripping life-or-death struggle. Inspired by a true story, SERGIO is a sweeping drama focused on a man pushed to his physical and emotional limits as he's forced to confront his own divisive choices about ambition, family, and his capacity to love.





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