The Problem(1915)

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分类:剧情 短片  地区:美国  年份:1915 


导演:哈里·A·波拉德 / 




米诺视频为您提供1915年由未知主演,哈里·A·波拉德导演的《The Problem》/原名《》剧情 短片 电影在线观看完整版,《The Problem》百度云网盘资源以及《The Problem》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《The Problem》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Fred Rees, an estimable young man of moderate wealth, proposes to and is accepted by Edith Shanlon, providing he can secure her mother's consent. Her mother informs Rees that she has sacrificed much to give her daughter an education and social position and that she should at least make a wealthy marriage in payment. After Rees's departure, Mrs. Shanlon, with her daughter's happiness foremost in her thoughts, falls into a doze and in a dream sees her daughter married to a wealthy man, Howard Grey. In the dream it is not long before Grey tires of his wife and spends most of his time with an affinity Leona. Edith overhears him making an appointment to dine with Leona and persuades her mother to accompany her to the café. There they overhear Grey boasting that his wife was bought and paid for like the wine they are drinking, but the wine was the better purchase. Mrs. Shanlon realizes that the marriage has not been a success. Grey returns to his home drunk and attempts to embrace his wife, who shoots him. Awakening with a start, Mrs. Shanlon is grateful that she has only been dreaming and when, at the suggestion of Edith's grandfather, she and her lover return to ask her mother to reconsider her former decision, the enlightened mother is only too willing to give her consent.

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