

米诺视频为您提供2020年由谢尔盖·马林,斯维特兰娜·伊万诺娃,亚历山大·巴鲁耶夫,亚历山大·科尔舒诺夫,拉米尔·萨比托夫,亚力克萨·巴杜科夫,马克西姆·艾弗林,彦·萨普尼克,德米特里·库利奇科夫,Yuriy Chursin,Alexandr Ilyin,Polina Chernyshova,Marina Petrenko,伊戈尔·萨沃金,亚历山大·布哈罗夫,维伦·巴比切夫,Yuriy Zharavin,Vera Pleshanova,Igor Yudin,Aleksandr Kakuev,Aleksandr Seteykin,Yuriy Utkin,Yuriy Skulyabin,Anton Kuznetsov,Nikita Manets,安德留斯·保拉维丘斯,Yulia Snigir主演,Sergey Ginzburg导演的《大教堂》/原名《》/又名《The Cathedral / Собор》剧情 历史 影视在线观看完整版,《大教堂》百度云网盘资源以及《大教堂》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《大教堂》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Different strokes for different folks - says the proverb. Born a rabble dies a rabble. But this is the year 1700, the time of dramatic changes in the Russian Empire, the time of reformations carried out by Peter the Great. Young serf Ivan Starshov is head over heels in love with Maria, the daughter of his master. He doesn't want to accept that the young princess is no match for him. \"You gave me wishes, but you do not allow me to satisfy them!\" rages Ivan against God. He asks a priest for help, since God created all people equal. But the priest repeats the proverb. Accept your fate destiny as it is. In despair, Starshov repudiates from faith. Ivan is stubborn; he leaves the village to take possession of his fate. This is how the protagonist gets on the winding road to the true understanding of Love.





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