他知道你的一切举动He Knows Your Every Move(2018)

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分类:未知 地区:美国  年份:2018 

主演:亚当·格拉斯奇 rosalie mcintire 安德鲁·西雷 卡罗琳·赫尼塞 索非亚·佩尔纳斯 Andrew Kai alexandria collins 查理·法瑞尔 曼尼·斯特里茨 

导演:Lane Shefter Bishop / 亚当·格拉斯奇 Adam Gierasch

亚当·格拉斯奇 Adam Gierasch




米诺视频为您提供2018年由亚当·格拉斯奇,rosalie mcintire,安德鲁·西雷,卡罗琳·赫尼塞,索非亚·佩尔纳斯,Andrew Kai,alexandria collins,查理·法瑞尔,曼尼·斯特里茨主演,Lane Shefter Bishop导演的《他知道你的一切举动》/原名《He Knows Your Every Move》未知电影在线观看完整版,《他知道你的一切举动》百度云网盘资源以及《他知道你的一切举动》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《他知道你的一切举动》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

When her laptop stops working, Molly immediately takes it to a repair shop and t

Plot Summary:When her laptop stops working, Molly immediately takes it to a repair shop and thinks nothing of it when she gets it back in perfect working order. Soon after, she meets the charming and handsome Jack Newsom at her favorite restaurant. They share the same likes and dislikes, the same hobbies and are soon completing each other's sentences. Jack is perfect in every way until he slowly starts to exhibit a clingy, possessive side, which finally forces Molly to ask for some time apart. Suddenly, her bank accounts are being drained and half naked photos of her are being posted online. It turns out "Jack" is not who he says he is, and now that she's rejected him, he's her worst nightmare.





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