
6.0 还行

分类:动画  地区:日本  年份:2010 

主演:福山润 小野大辅 高垣彩阳 杉田智和 藤田咲 诹访部顺一 日野聪 冈本信彦 泽城美雪 增谷康纪 竹达彩奈 高桥美佳子 大浦冬华 樱井孝宏 伊丸冈笃 阿部敦 三户耕三 间岛淳司 飞田展男 秋元羊介 中井和哉 羽多野涉 胜杏里 寺岛拓笃 伊濑茉莉也 村田知沙 矢岛晶子 早见沙织 铃木裕斗 小山力也 仪武祐子 入野自由 伊藤静 寿美菜子 日高里菜 高森奈津美 冲佳苗 大桥贤一郎 

导演:川崎逸朗 / 山口祐司 / 博史池畠 / 渡部稳宽 / 高林久弥 / 清水一伸 / 吉田俊司 / 川畑荣郎 / 藤本次朗 / 冈辰也 / 镜贵也/吉村清子 Yoshimura Kiyoko/川崎逸朗 Itsurou Kawasaki/山田由香 Yuka Yamada/大知庆一郎 Oochi Keiichirou/根元岁三 Toshizō Nemoto/藤咲步奈

镜贵也/吉村清子 Yoshimura Kiyoko/川崎逸朗 Itsurou Kawasaki/山田由香 Yuka Yamada/大知庆一郎 Oochi Keiichirou/根元岁三 Toshizō Nemoto/藤咲步奈




米诺视频为您提供2010年由福山润,小野大辅,高垣彩阳,杉田智和,藤田咲,诹访部顺一,日野聪,冈本信彦,泽城美雪,增谷康纪,竹达彩奈,高桥美佳子,大浦冬华,樱井孝宏,伊丸冈笃,阿部敦,三户耕三,间岛淳司,飞田展男,秋元羊介,中井和哉,羽多野涉,胜杏里,寺岛拓笃,伊濑茉莉也,村田知沙,矢岛晶子,早见沙织,铃木裕斗,小山力也,仪武祐子,入野自由,伊藤静,寿美菜子,日高里菜,高森奈津美,冲佳苗,大桥贤一郎主演,川崎逸朗,山口祐司,博史池畠,渡部稳宽,高林久弥,清水一伸,吉田俊司,川畑荣郎,藤本次朗,冈辰也导演的《传说中勇者的传说》/原名《伝説の勇者の伝説》/又名《The Legend of the Legendary Heroes》动画 电影在线观看完整版,《传说中勇者的传说》百度云网盘资源以及《传说中勇者的传说》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《传说中勇者的传说》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Also known as The Legend of the Legendary heroes, follows three main characters: A dongo-obsessed female, a peace-crazy half noble, and a lazy nap-taking mage. The mage is the main protagonist, Ryner Lute, who is the bearer of the Alpha Stigma, a mark on the eyes which can take control of it's user forcing them to destroy or "erase" everything until they can gain control again. Ryner struggles with the fact he usually ends up killing anyone he gets close to, and also the fact as bearer of the Alpha Stigma, he is seen as a monster. A childhood friend of his, Sion, wishes for a world of Pearce without spilling an once of blood. To achieve this Sion overworked, worries and stresses much more than he needs to about everything. Ferris is the last of the three main heroes within the anime, and she is constantly eating dongo, beating up Ryner, and slaying enemies with her excellent sword skills. Working together The Swordswoman, Lazy mage and New king try to bring about peace and equalities for everyone in the kingdom of Roland, including bearers of the Alpha Stigma, and monsters alike





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