
6.0 还行

分类:剧情 爱情 同性  地区:中国大陆   年份:2001 

主演:胡军 刘烨 苏瑾 李华彤 卢芳 张永宁 李爽 李滨 赵敏芬 张少华 

导演:关锦鹏 / 魏绍恩 Jimmy Ngai

魏绍恩 Jimmy Ngai

2001-11-22(中国香港) / 2021-12-10(中国台湾重映)汉语普通话



米诺视频为您提供2001年由胡军,刘烨,苏瑾,李华彤,卢芳,张永宁,李爽,李滨,赵敏芬,张少华主演,关锦鹏导演的《蓝宇》/原名《藍宇》/又名《Histoire d'hommes à Pékin / Lan Yu》剧情 爱情 同性 电影在线观看完整版,《蓝宇》百度云网盘资源以及《蓝宇》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《蓝宇》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Beijing, 1988. On the cusp of middle-age, Chen Handong has known little but success all his life. The eldest son of a senior government bureaucrat, he heads a fast-growing trading company and plays as hard as he works. Few know that Handong's tastes run more to boys than girls. Lan Yu is a country boy, newly arrived in Beijing to study architecture. More than most students, he is short of money and willing to try anything to earn some. He has run into Liu Zheng, who pragmatically suggests that he could prostitute himself for one night to a gay pool-hall and bar owner. But Handong happens to be in the pool hall that evening, and he nixes the deal. He takes Lan Yu home himself and gives the young man what turns out to be a life-changing sexual initiation. Handong and Lan Yu meet often, and the boy is soon very secure in his love for the man. But Handong insists that he wants a play-mate, not a lifelong companion, and warns Lan Yu that they will eventually break up. Meanwhile, he showers...





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