

米诺视频为您提供2013年由华金·菲尼克斯,斯嘉丽·约翰逊,艾米·亚当斯,鲁妮·玛拉,奥利维亚·王尔德,斯派克·琼斯,琳恩·A·弗里德曼,盖布·戈麦斯,克里斯·帕拉特,梅·林德斯特罗姆,比尔·哈德尔,克里斯汀·韦格,布莱恩·约翰逊,马特·莱斯切尔,普拉莫德库马尔,史蒂夫·齐西斯,格雷茜·普瑞维特,波茜娅·道布尔戴,斯蒂芬妮·索科琳斯基,布莱恩·考克斯,里奥·巴里加亚,琼·布莱尔,塞斯·凯尔,李·克里斯蒂安,尼科·戴维,香农·爱德华兹,阿莉娅·珍妮,仁·库恩,菲奥娜·林克,卡罗尔·麦克法登,杰里米·拉布,劳拉·柯尔孔,帕梅拉·罗伊兰斯,玛丽安·萨斯塔德·奥特森,伊维特·桑德斯,卡桑德拉·斯塔尔,查克·大卫·威利斯主演,斯派克·琼斯导演的《她》/原名《Her》/又名《触不到的她(港) / 云端情人(台)》剧情 爱情 科幻 电影在线观看完整版,《她》百度云网盘资源以及《她》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《她》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Theodore is a lonely man in the final stages of his divorce. When he's not working as a letter writer, his down time is spent playing video games and occasionally hanging out with friends. He decides to purchase the new OS1, which is advertised as the world's first artificially intelligent operating system, "It's not just an operating system, it's a consciousness," the ad states. Theodore quickly finds himself drawn in with Samantha, the voice behind his OS1. As they start spending time together they grow closer and closer and eventually find themselves in love. Having fallen in love with his OS, Theodore finds himself dealing with feelings of both great joy and doubt. As an OS, Samantha has powerful intelligence that she uses to help Theodore in ways others hadn't, but how does she help him deal with his inner conflict of being in love with an OS?





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