

米诺视频为您提供2020年由埃迪·雷德梅恩,艾利克斯·夏普,萨莎·拜伦·科恩,杰瑞米·斯特朗,约翰·卡洛·林奇,叶海亚·阿卜杜勒-迈丁,马克·里朗斯,约瑟夫·高登-莱维特,本·申克曼,J.C.麦肯泽,弗兰克·兰格拉,丹尼尔·弗莱厄蒂,诺亚·罗宾斯,约翰·道曼,迈克尔·基顿,小凯文·哈里森,凯特琳·菲茨杰拉德,茱丽叶·安吉洛,布伦丹·伯克,凯文·奥多奈尔,爱丽丝·克雷梅尔堡,拉里·米切尔,韦恩·杜瓦尔,迈克尔·布鲁里布,达米安·杨,米歇尔·赫斯特,马修·勒弗沃,克里斯蒂安·利特克,马克斯·阿德勒,肖恩·帕森,爱德华德·弗莱彻,C·J·威尔逊,史蒂文· 加斯沃思,大卫·菲耶罗,伊恩·邦兹,莱克斯·艾尔主演,艾伦·索金导演的《芝加哥七君子审判》/原名《The Trial of the Chicago 7》/又名《芝加哥七人案:惊世审判(港/台)》剧情 历史 电影在线观看完整版,《芝加哥七君子审判》百度云网盘资源以及《芝加哥七君子审判》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《芝加哥七君子审判》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

1968 年民主党全国代表大会上的和平抗议演变成了与警察和国民警卫队的暴力冲突。抗议活动的组织者包括艾比·霍夫曼、杰里·鲁宾、汤姆·海登和鲍勃·席勒,他们被指控

Plot Summary:In Chicago 1968, the Democratic Pary Convention was met with protests from activists like the moderate Students for a Democratic Society led by Tom Hayden and the militant Yippies led by Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, which led to violent confrontations with the local authorities. As a result, seven of the accused ringleaders are arraigned on charges like Conspiracy by the hostile Nixon administration, including Bobby Seale of the Black Panthers who was not involved in the incident. What follows is an unfair trial presided by the belligerent Judge Hoffman (No relation) and prosecuted by a reluctant but duty-bound Richard Schultz. As their pro bono lawyers face such odds, Hayden and his fellows are frustrated by the Yippies' outrageous antics undermining their defense in defiance of the system even while Seale is denied a chance to defend himself his way. Along the way, the Chicago 7 clash in their political philosophies even as they learn they need each other in this fight.



日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 芝加哥七君子审判.The.Trial.of.the.Chicago.7.2020.1080p.WEB
2021-05-21 The Trial of the Chicago 7.2020.NF.1080p.WEB-DL.H2
2021-05-21 芝加哥七君子审判[7.6]The.Trial.of.the.Chicago.7.2020.1080p
2021-05-21 芝加哥七君子审判 The.Trial.of.the.Chicago.7.2020.NF.1080p.
2021-05-21 芝加哥七君子审判【YYeTs字幕组 简繁英双语字幕】The.Trial.of.the.Chicago
2021-05-21 芝加哥七君子审判.官方字幕.The.Trial.of.the.Chicago.7.2020.1080
2021-05-21 芝加哥七君子审判.[官译].[简繁英双语].The.Trial.of.the.Chicago.7.2
2021-04-28 芝加哥七君子审判.The.Trial.of.the.Chicago.7.2020.1080p.WEB
2021-01-03 The Trial of the Chicago 7.2020.NF.1080p.WEB-DL.H2
2020-10-30 芝加哥七君子审判[7.6]The.Trial.of.the.Chicago.7.2020.1080p
2020-10-24 芝加哥七君子审判 The.Trial.of.the.Chicago.7.2020.NF.1080p.
2020-10-22 芝加哥七君子审判【YYeTs字幕组 简繁英双语字幕】The.Trial.of.the.Chicago
2020-10-18 芝加哥七君子审判.[官译].[简繁英双语].The.Trial.of.the.Chicago.7.2
2020-10-18 芝加哥七君子审判.官方字幕.The.Trial.of.the.Chicago.7.2020.1080



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