Kommissar X - Drei goldene Schlangen(1969)

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分类:剧情 犯罪  地区:意大利   年份:1969 

主演:托尼·肯德尔 Brad Harris ‎洛尼·休瑟‎ Monica Pardo Hansi Linder Herbert Fux 

导演:Roberto Mauri / Jameson Brewer

Jameson Brewer




米诺视频为您提供1969年由托尼·肯德尔,Brad Harris,‎洛尼·休瑟‎,Monica Pardo,Hansi Linder,Herbert Fux主演,Roberto Mauri导演的《Kommissar X - Drei goldene Schlangen》/又名《Three Golden Serpents / Island of Lost Girls / Beautiful Lost Girls in Hell's Island》剧情 犯罪 电影在线观看完整版,《Kommissar X - Drei goldene Schlangen》百度云网盘资源以及《Kommissar X - Drei goldene Schlangen》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Kommissar X - Drei goldene Schlangen》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Madame Kim Soo is a respected benefactor to social causes in Thailand, but she enjoys viewing Muay-Thai matches with a handsome male escort. Jo Walker and his friend Tom Rowland notice her at ring side, because of her haughty demeanor and beauty. Later, as they search for an American girl who disappeared, possibly another victim of a prostitution-ring, they will visit her at her entertainment club for rich patrons only. The club, situated in a secretive "island of 1,000 lotus flowers", offers foreign sex tourists all kinds of pleasure they may wish for. To the peril of his life, Joe Walker goes alone to meet Kim Soo, after identifying her as the leader of an army of thugs with a tattoo with three snakes. Will Captain Tom Rowland and the Thai paratroopers arrive in time to save Joe Walker from death in the island of lost girls?


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