亡命地中海The Two Faces of January(2014)

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分类:惊悚  地区:英国   年份:2014 

主演:维果·莫腾森 克斯汀·邓斯特 奥斯卡·伊萨克 黛西·贝文 大卫·沃肖夫斯基 伊吉特·约兹贤尔 卡拉亚尼·玛歌 普罗米修斯·阿利费尔 苏格拉底·阿拉富佐斯 奥赞·塔什 尼科斯·马夫拉基斯 厄兹詹·厄兹代米尔 穆罕默德·叶先 奥米洛斯·保拉基斯 叶夫根尼亚·迪米特罗波卢 

导演:霍辛·阿米尼 / 霍辛·阿米尼 Hossein Amini/派翠西亚·海史密斯 Patricia Highsmith

霍辛·阿米尼 Hossein Amini/派翠西亚·海史密斯 Patricia Highsmith

2015-01-10(中国大陆) / 2014-02-11(柏林电影节) / 2014-05-16(英国) / 2014-06-18(法国)英语 , 希腊语 , 土耳其语



米诺视频为您提供2014年由维果·莫腾森,克斯汀·邓斯特,奥斯卡·伊萨克,黛西·贝文,大卫·沃肖夫斯基,伊吉特·约兹贤尔,卡拉亚尼·玛歌,普罗米修斯·阿利费尔,苏格拉底·阿拉富佐斯,奥赞·塔什,尼科斯·马夫拉基斯,厄兹詹·厄兹代米尔,穆罕默德·叶先,奥米洛斯·保拉基斯,叶夫根尼亚·迪米特罗波卢主演,霍辛·阿米尼导演的《亡命地中海》/原名《The Two Faces of January》/又名《蜜月杀机 / 一月迷情 / 逃亡地中海》惊悚 电影在线观看完整版,《亡命地中海》百度云网盘资源以及《亡命地中海》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《亡命地中海》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

故事发生在1962年,麦克法兰(维果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen 饰)和柯莱特(克尔斯滕·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst 饰)是一对艺术家夫妇,

Plot Summary:1962. A glamorous American couple, the charismatic Chester MacFarland (Mortensen) and his alluring younger wife Colette (Dunst), arrive in Athens by boat via the Corinth Canal. While sightseeing at the Acropolis they encounter Rydal (Isaac), a young, Greek-speaking American who is working as a tour guide, scamming tourists on the side. Drawn to Colette's beauty and impressed by Chester's wealth and sophistication, Rydal gladly accepts their invitation to dinner. However, all is not as it seems with the MacFarlands and Chester's affable exterior hides darker secrets. When Rydal visits the couple at their exclusive hotel, Chester presses him to help move the body of a seemingly unconscious man who he claims attacked him. In the moment, Rydal agrees but as events take a more sinister turn he finds himself compromised and unable to pull himself free. His increasing infatuation with the vulnerable and responsive Colette gives rise to Chester's jealousy and paranoia, leading to a tense and dangerous battle of wits between the two men.






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