
6.0 还行

分类:喜剧 科幻 动画  地区:日本  年份:1981 

主演:平野文 古川登志夫 神谷明 田中真弓 永井一郎 绪方贤一 井上瑶 

导演:押井守 / 山崎和男 / 西村纯二 / 铃木行 / 望月智充 / 安浓高志 / 网野哲朗 / 富永恒雄 / 坂田纯一 / 森山雄治 / 吉永尚之 / 早川启二 / 小华和为雄 / 森胁真琴 / 滨津守 / 关田修 / 高桥资祐 / 高桥留美子 Rumiko Takahashi

高桥留美子 Rumiko Takahashi




米诺视频为您提供1981年由平野文,古川登志夫,神谷明,田中真弓,永井一郎,绪方贤一,井上瑶主演,押井守,山崎和男,西村纯二,铃木行,望月智充,安浓高志,网野哲朗,富永恒雄,坂田纯一,森山雄治,吉永尚之,早川启二,小华和为雄,森胁真琴,滨津守,关田修,高桥资祐导演的《福星小子》/原名《うる星やつら》/又名《うる星やつら》喜剧 科幻 动画 电影在线观看完整版,《福星小子》百度云网盘资源以及《福星小子》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《福星小子》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The series begins when aliens from the planet Oniboshi invade Earth. They agree to leave only if Earth's champion can defeat the Oni champion in a game of tag within a ten-day time limit. Earth's champion, randomly selected by the aliens, is Ataru Moroboshi, a Japanese teenager with highly overactive hormones. The alien competitor turns out to be the curvaceous Lum, so Ataru relishes the idea of having to catch this beauty. However, his attitude changes when he discovers that Lum can fly. When things start looking desperate for the Earth, Ataru's girlfriend, Shinobu offers to tie the knot if he succeeds, and on the last day, when he finally catches Lum, he declares his intentions to be married. Lum misunderstands this as a proposal and eagerly agrees, since she has become smitten with Ataru. He tries to disengage himself, but Lum is adamantly faithful and demonstrates a willingness to use her natural ability to generate electric shocks to keep her "husband" in line. Later in the series continuity, Lum and some of her alien friends become more-or-less regular residents of Tomobiki and interact with the natives, who are interesting in their own right. Urusei Yatsura is unique for its premise, its immense cast of characters, and its free-for-all, anything-can-happen attitude. Too bad they can't get away with this on American TV.






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