

米诺视频为您提供2003年由入野自由,置鲇龙太郎,中山真奈美,浅野真澄,石田彰,草尾毅,小山力也,青野武,玉川纱己子,寺杣昌纪,白石稔,田中理惠,永岛由子,川田妙子,雪野五月,水岛大宙,冈村明美,井上喜久子,小林由美子,金田朋子,平松广和,大西健晴,小菅真美,服部加奈子,冈本嘉子,河相智哉,井端珠里,清川元梦,松本大,中尾良平,小林沙苗,门胁舞以,小岛惠美,黑河奈美,铃木达央,保村真,若本规夫,有马瑞香,筱原惠美,池田胜,福岛润,立花慎之介,太田淑子,堀胜之祐,近藤孝行,中岛美智代,长泽奈央,渡洋史主演,羽原信义,大槻敦史,后藤圭二,小坂春女,上田茂,二瓶勇一,吉川浩司,广岛秀树,榎本明广导演的《天使怪盗》/原名《D.N.Angel》喜剧 动画 奇幻 冒险 电影在线观看完整版,《天使怪盗》百度云网盘资源以及《天使怪盗》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《天使怪盗》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

降身于夜晚,引得警察手忙脚乱,背着翅膀,这不是怪盗基德,这是怪盗Dark(置鲇龙太郎 配音)。沉睡了40年的Dark在高中生丹羽大助(入野自由 配音)14岁生日

Plot Summary:Not-so-average teenager, Daisuke Niwa, has had an abnormal life. His mother and grandfather have trained him his whole life by setting up traps that can kill him if he doesn't figure them out. On his fourteenth birthday, he discovers why. When any male in the Niwa family turns fourteen, Dark also gets access to their bodies. Dark is a master thief who always leaves notices before he steals items. He's been around for ages and every male must help keep up Dark's reputation. Although dark can take over Daisuke's body, and talk to him in conscience, they are not the same person. Daisuke turns into Dark by from sudden feelings of love, usually brought on by a picture of his crush, Risa Harada. The only way Daisuke can be his normal self (Darkless), is to have the Holy Maiden. This maiden being a girl, and they must love eachother. The problem is, Risa has no feeling for Daisuke, and immediately after seeing Dark for the first time, falls for Dark instead. Daisuke's schoolmate, Satoshi ...






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