Sydney to the Max Season 1(2019)

6.0 还行

分类:喜剧 家庭  地区:美国  年份:2019 

主演:Ruth Righi 艾娃·寇克尔 Jackson Dollinger Christian J. Simon 伊安·瑞德·科斯勒 卡罗琳·雷亚 Amelia Wray Lauren Plaxco Luca Alexander Julia Garcia 

导演:Jonathan A. / Rosenbaum / David Kendall / Jody Margolin Hahn / 盖瑞·墨菲 Gary Murphy/Patrice Asuncion/Mark Reisman/Nick Rossitto

盖瑞·墨菲 Gary Murphy/Patrice Asuncion/Mark Reisman/Nick Rossitto




米诺视频为您提供2019年由Ruth Righi,艾娃·寇克尔,Jackson Dollinger,Christian J. Simon,伊安·瑞德·科斯勒,卡罗琳·雷亚,Amelia Wray,Lauren Plaxco,Luca Alexander,Julia Garcia主演,Jonathan A.,Rosenbaum,David Kendall,Jody Margolin Hahn导演的《Sydney to the Max Season 1》喜剧 家庭 影视在线观看完整版,《Sydney to the Max Season 1》百度云网盘资源以及《Sydney to the Max Season 1》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Sydney to the Max Season 1》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

该情景喜剧分别讲述女孩辛妮Sydney的现在,和她的父亲麦克斯Max上世纪90年代的童年生活。曾参演百老汇音乐剧《摇滚学校》的小演员Ruth Righi饰演主角

Plot Summary:A heartwarming and sentimental comedy, "Sydney to the Max" centers around the experiences of a sociable, goodhearted middle schooler named Sydney Reynolds and her protective, doting - and sometimes clueless. - single dad Max as they navigate the challenges of growing up. Set during two time-frames, decades apart, flashback scenes to young Max and his best friend Leo in the 1990s parallel many of the funny predicaments Sydney and her BFF Olive get themselves into. VHS camcorders, bleached skater hair and other '90s-defining "relics" aside, Sydney and Max come to realize, aided by Sydney's kicky grandmother Judy, who's well-versed in Max's childhood antics, that they have more in common than either realizes.


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