地平线系列:体育兴奋剂 - 为了胜利不惜一切?BBC Horizon: Sports Doping - Winning At Any Cost?(2016)

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分类:纪录片  地区:英国  年份:2016 

主演:Xand van Tulleken Chris van Tulleken 





米诺视频为您提供2016年由Xand van Tulleken,Chris van Tulleken主演,未知导演的《地平线系列:体育兴奋剂 - 为了胜利不惜一切?》/原名《BBC Horizon: Sports Doping - Winning At Any Cost?》/又名《服用禁药:不惜代价争胜》纪录片 电影在线观看完整版,《地平线系列:体育兴奋剂 - 为了胜利不惜一切?》百度云网盘资源以及《地平线系列:体育兴奋剂 - 为了胜利不惜一切?》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《地平线系列:体育兴奋剂 - 为了胜利不惜一切?》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Dr Xand van Tulleken investigates the world of performance-enhancing drugs - from the athletes seeking the rewards of fame, glory and lucrative sponsorship deals to the hundreds of thousands of people in the UK now regularly taking anabolic steroids to look good and buff up. What are these drugs? What do they do to the body? And is it worth it? Xand's investigation reveals the extraordinary gamble dopers take with their health. Long-term effects include kidney failure, cognitive impairment and testicular shrinkage, and Xand witnesses how users are self-experimenting with drugs that have not yet been approved for human use. Horizon uncovers the new frontier of doping, from new molecules to gene therapy - where the genes that control muscle growth are altered. These new methods could be completely undetectable by the doping authorities. Finally, with the help of his twin brother Chris, Xand discovers the legal ways some athletes try to gain the edge.

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