行尸走肉 第十季

6.0 还行

原名:The Walking Dead又名:阴尸路

分类:剧情 / 科幻 / 惊悚 /  美国  2019 

简介: 美剧《行尸走肉》主演安德鲁·林肯退出的消息才发布没多久,今天,安德鲁·林肯就对媒


行尸走肉 第十季影评:【行尸走肉】第十季 第十八集 出品人单集解析

The【Walking Dead】Episode Insider: “Find Me” / 【行尸走肉】单集解析 - “来找我”


翻译: Bruce

这集叫做“来找我”,且名称来自本季最后Daryl写的纸条。他做出了选择 – 他感到它属于Leah。他希望她回来,并且,你知道,还留下了一张能到他露营处的小地图。这就是我认为在这句话里蕴含的令人惆怅与渴望的感觉,也是本集震撼人心弦的部分。本集是关于回忆和相关的未了事情,所以我认为这是一个对本集而言很得当的集名。

Carol: “我跟你讲过我奶奶的脚踏缝纫机么?我所有衣服都是她做的。只要她累了,她就要我帮忙,说这是因为我有一只很特别,很有劲儿的左脚” Daryl: “我能搞定”


Daryl: “哎,我没说你能来” Carol: “挪挪” Daryl: “你往后挪,开摩托的是我。”


Daryl: “你还好么?” Carol: “没事,我很好。不算个事儿,就是脚有点抽筋儿。” Daryl: “不会是你那只很特别,很有劲儿的左脚吧?”


Daryl: “哦!不会吧” Carol: “这叫新手有好运”


Carol: “觉不觉得我们的好运气到头了?” Daryl: “什么意思?”


Carol: “最终我们都难逃命运的罗网” Daryl: “除非你坐以待毙”



Carol: “已经两年了,你还要在外面呆多久?”


Leah: “谢谢你把它带了回来。 ... 过来,男孩儿。... 它喜欢你”


Daryl: “我懂,你知道,一个人独自在外” Leah: “你也孤身一个人在外面好久了吗?”


Leah: “你失去了谁?” Daryl: “我哥哥。”


然后Carol走过来对他说... 我希望你找到内心的平和。这两个在他孑然一身之时的重要人物试图告诉他同样的事情,所以他回来时发现为时已晚。这又像过去发生过的那些事情一样,Daryl成了那个“肩扛着整个世界”的人,这不但对他没什么帮助,反倒以某种方式让他自责。

Carol: “失去Leah不是你的错,Rick不是,Connie也不是。” Daryl: “不,那是你的错”


Carol: “我不想要一个救世住,Daryl,也不想要殉道着,我就是想要一个朋友。” Daryl: “朋友就不会这样一遍遍这样见鬼地交谈” Carol: “哦,你说我们这是见鬼地交谈?这我可是第一次听到” Daryl: “本来就是一直这样。”


Daryl: “你想跑是吧?跑吧” Carol: “我知道自己应该身归何处。”


Carol: “好啊,那你应该让我回到那条船上去” Daryl: “我确实应该。”


Carol: “我说的对,我们的好运气到头了,你和我。”

执行出品人/节目运行人 Angela Kang


This episode is called "Find Me," and the title comes from the note that Daryl writes at the very end of the episode. He made a choice in that he feels that he belongs with Leah. He hopes that she comes back, and, you know, he leaves a little map to where his camp might be.And there's just this kind of sense of incompleteness and longing that I think is in those words, and so that's part of the vibe of this episode. It's all about memory and things that are not resolved, and so I think that was kind of a fitting title for what this episode is.

Carol: Did I ever tell you about the pedal sewing machine my grandmother had? She made all my clothes.Whenever she got tired, she'd have me help. Said it was 'cause I had a really special, strong right foot. I got it.

We wanted to start the episode in kind of a fun way, make it feel like, "Oh, like, Daryl and Carol, after being at odds, maybe they're kind of back to where they were. Maybe it's even better than it was."

Daryl: Hey, I didn't say you could come. Scoot. Carol: You scoot back. I'm the one steering.

There's still a little bit of conflict, and I think that just the fun that they're having in many of the early scenes is masking that a little bit, which I think is really true to how friendships can work.

Carol: You alright? Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing. It's just a foot cramp. Daryl: It's not your very special, strong right foot, now, is it?

We just wanted to start tonally in a place that felt a little bit different than we've been in for a while.

Daryl: Ha! No way. Carol: Oh! That's beginner's luck.

Carol's got a lot on her mind. She's trying to grapple with where their group is sort of in the history of the apocalypse.

Carol: Think our luck's run out? Daryl: What do you mean?

Were there too many lines that were crossed during this war? Like, can they come back from it? I think she's wondering a lot about those things for herself, as well.

Carol: It's gonna catch up to us eventually. Daryl: Only if we let it.

There's an interesting aspect of Daryl.

When other people are kind of going down this dark path, his instinct is to try to pull them back from the abyss. We are always looking for those, like, little parallels between the past and the present in this episode, so there's, like, lots of little moments like that where the closer and closer he's getting to this area that was this site of his grief and trauma, like, where he was searching for Rick, where he had this relationship with this woman, there's a lot of things being stirred up for Daryl, even when he doesn't realize that it is.

Carol: It's been two years. How long do you plan to stay out here?

This episode has a lot more time jumpage than we normally have in an episode, and that definitely makes it tricky. The number-one thing that drives the time jumps in this episode is what is the kind of person that Daryl would have a relationship with, and how does that unfold and how does it happen? Who the hell are you? I'm leaving. We love the idea that this dog really was the tie between Daryl and Leah. We have this instinct to want to bond with animals, and, you know, you kind of think, "Oh, well, that person has a dog, and they don't mistreat the dog. You know, maybe they're not so bad.

Leah: Thanks for bringing him back. Come here, boy! He likes you.

We wanted to see somebody who is as formidable as Daryl in her own way. She's in charge of her own situation. She has the same issues with trust that he does.

Daryl: I get it, you know? Being out here by yourself. Leah: You been out here alone for a long time, too, huh?

The other thing they really have in common is they're good at reading other people. They see something in each other's eyes that is a signal that they're both grief-stricken at this time and that that person is not dangerous to them. So it's better to live and let live right now.

Leah: Who'd you lose? My brother.

Daryl really feels pulled. Here's Leah saying, "Stay with me. Like, what are you doing walking up and down that river, like, over and over again?"

And Carol's coming and saying... I want you to find some peace. These two people that are important in this time when he could be completely alone are both trying to tell him a version of the same thing, and so he goes back only to discover it's too late.

That's like one of those things where, again, Daryl being somebody who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders sometimes cannot help but blame himself for in some way.

Carol: Losing Leah, that's not on you. Neither is Rick. Or Connie. Daryl: No, that's on you.

From Carol's perspective, she's like, "Where is this coming from, dude?" And I think from Daryl's perspective, here's this guy that's been just burying all of the pain that he's been carrying. I don't need a savior, Daryl, and I don't need a martyr. I just need a friend. Friends don't have the same damn conversation over and over again.

Carol: Oh, is that what's happening here? 'Cause this is new to me. It's what been happening.

There's just this feeling of, "Were my instincts right, that this is some sort of, like, beginning of an end for us as a group?" Wanna run? Run. I know where I'm supposed to be. I think that Daryl feels that desire in her to -- to pull away from it. For him, being on the mountain -- that's a period of his life that's over. He's accepted now that he needs to be at home. He has people that he cares about and a place that he cares about continuing to stand. That's his responsibility now, and in some ways, he wants her

to make the same choice.

Carol: Well, then you should've just let me get back on the boat. Daryl: I should've.

He knows her too well and can feel that there's that little thread of her that maybe is not 100% committed yet, and I think that's what he's calling her out on there.

Carol: And I was right. Our luck's run out, you and me.

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