行尸走肉 第十季

6.0 还行

原名:The Walking Dead又名:阴尸路

分类:剧情 / 科幻 / 惊悚 /  美国  2019 

简介: 美剧《行尸走肉》主演安德鲁·林肯退出的消息才发布没多久,今天,安德鲁·林肯就对媒


行尸走肉 第十季影评:【行尸走肉】第十季 第二十二集 出品人单集解析

The【Walking Dead】Episode Insider: “Here's Negan” / 【行尸走肉】单集解析 - “尼根在此”


翻译: Bruce

Negan: “哥们,我讨厌把这个坏消息告诉你。看,我开始觉得我有点MD无所不能了”


Negan: “小猪,小猪,让我进门。”


Negan: “不,你看,可悲的是你甚至有过那么一秒钟在想:不管在别人眼里的你是什么样子,只要不是你真正的样子就好...... 那个真正的你就是我。”


Lucille: “什么预约?我要做磁共振,我要你载我回家。额,不行,我得和缓形官见面。”


Lucille: “600美元就花在这件印着“快乐时光”的垃圾上?”


Janine: “他把一个小子揍进了医院。” Lucille: “我告诉你,是那个混蛋活该。”

有深深的爱在这里,因为你会注意到,Lucille总是在挺Negan,他们对彼此死心塌地,情比金坚(“ride or die”,指极度忠诚)。

Lucille: “我得了癌症”


Negan: “你知道,我晚上一夜没睡...... 就是奇怪,我怎么能这么幸运,幸运你就这么跟定我了。”

从她这边看来,你现在所看到的这个女人正意识到,像是,“我们所遇到的事情躲不掉了,我可能时日无多,我认为我不得不走到说再见的那一刻了” ,但是他还没准备让她走。

Negan: “我们别放弃,你听见我说了吗?我们不放弃,永远不!”

我们认为让Dean Morgan的真实妻子Hilarie Burton来饰演Lucille的角色一定很有意思。他们两个有着如此令人惊奇而自然的互动。Hillarie本身就是一个令人很惊奇,很惊奇的演员,这个角色刚好跟她很搭。这是剧里一个标志性的角色,所以,看他们在一起工作真的很有意思。在我看来这是一个表演上的靓点。


当你凝视某人面目的时候,那可不是一件容易的事。在这一集的过程中,他不得不做出越来越难的选择,她的去世令他开始狂怒,他感觉这些把他Q禁起来抢走他东西导致他经历这一切的这帮家伙们或许正是让他没能阻止妻子自S的罪魁祸首 --- 或者,至少,他还可以成为一个在妻子去世的时候握着手陪在她身边的人。

Negan: “你知道今晚以前我从没撒过一个人,真的。”


Carol: “对不起,经过投票委员会决定流放你。”



执行出品人/节目运行人 Angela Kang


Negan: Man, I hate to break it to you. See, I am startin' to think that I am capable... of damn near anything.

This episode's called "Here's Negan," and this title is ripped straight from the comic books. We've stolen pieces of it through the years, and so, we were looking for a new way to get into this backstory. But we wanted to keep that title, 'cause it would be a travesty if we finished out the series and we didn't do something called "Here's Negan."

Negan: Little pig, little pig. [Bat knocks] Let me in.

Isn't it fun to see just Savior Negan again? Big, bad, mean, scary Savior Negan. You start to feel the divide that has grown between the images of the two people, but at the same time, Savior Negan is saying...

No, see, the sad part is that you thought for even a second that those folks would see you for anything but who you truly are... ...which is me.

That's sort of a thesis statement of the episode and of the series, you know? It's like, can you ever really leave behind that person that you were? And you see that Negan was one guy before he became another guy, and now, who is he now? And I think he's grappling with all of those things.

Lucille: What appointment? I'm getting an MRI. I need you to drive me home. Uh, I can't. I have a meeting with the probation officer.

Negan and Lucille pre-pocalypse, I think they were a family much like many other families, where they were struggling. We've kind of given some clues. Like, they've got this basement, but it's unfinished. They started on this project and never got all the way there. They probably ran out of money, at some point. They were at a strained point in their relationship. Negan was fooling around on her with the person that she thought of as her best friend. They have money troubles. He wasted money on this leather jacket.

Janine: $600 on this "Happy Days" bullshit.

He's out of a job because he assaulted a guy.

Janine: He beat a guy up and put him in the hospital.

Janine, I told you. That asshole had it comin'.

There is a deep love there, because you'll notice that Lucille always kind of sticks up for Negan. They're each other's "ride or die."

Lucille: I've got cancer.

When she found out that she had cancer, he tried to rally around her. Once you jump into the apocalypse, you see that Negan's in a mode where he's doing everything humanly possible to keep her alive.

Negan: You know, I lay awake at night... just wondering how I got so lucky that you have stuck with me.

From her side, what you're seeing is a woman who is realizing, like, "This thing that we're in isn't going away. This might be the rest of my life, and I think I have to get to that point where I'm ready to say goodbye. But he's not ready to let go.”

Negan: We are not giving up. Do you hear me? We are not giving up. Not ever.

We thought it'd be really fun to cast Jeffrey Dean Morgan's real-life wife, Hilarie Burton, in the role of Lucille. The two of them have such a wonderful, natural dynamic. Hillarie's a wonderful, wonderful actor in her own right, and this role just felt like the right role. It's an iconic role in the show, and so, it was really fun to see them get to work together. I think it's one of the highlights of the show for me.

The idea of kiling something that was once human is pretty horrific. We show our characters able to do it with ease now because they're monsters that are so far removed from the humans they once were. Imagine, like, if it's you, and this has just started, and you're having to now kil people that were maybe once your neighbor, or somebody that looks vaguely familiar, and you're having to get through all those protective mechanisms that the body has to prevent you from being kiled. It's not for the squeamish, and so, I think that was a choice that the writer had picked that I loved, which is, "Let's see how hard it is."

When you're looking in the face of somebody, that's not an easy task. Over the course of that episode, he has to make harder and harder choices, and he just rages once she's gone. Feeling like these guys that imprisoned him and took his stuff and made him go through all this maybe kept him from making sure that his wife didn't kil herself -- or, at least, that he could have been the one by her side holding her hand through it as she let go.

Negan: You know I never kiled a man before tonight? It's the truth.

That really is the trigger for the Negan that we remember coming into the show. There's nothing else that he's afraid of anymore. We wanted to end this block of episodes on the scene of Maggie and Negan locking eyes because it really feels like, in some ways, that's a major part of the conflict going into Season 11. In the first episode, Maggie's kind of deciding, "Can I live with Negan?" Ultimately, she decides, "Yes."

Carol: I'm sorry. The Council's voted to banish you.

The story of "Here's Negan" is, Carol sort of makes a unilateral decision that that is not gonna be the case. They cannot live in the same space. But Negan ultimately makes the choice, "Is that how I need to live my life, or was Lucille asking me to accomplish more?" And I think that by the end of the episode, as he's kind of gone through this reveree...he realizes that he owes the memory of his wife something more. When he goes in, they're both kind of making a choice in that moment when they look at each other. Like, the future's gonna have to be something different. "Don't know what that is yet, but, you know, we're gonna have to figure it out."

There's so much great emotion between those two, so I am excited to share what happens next with the fans.

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