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原名:The Last Temptation of Christ又名:基督的最后诱惑

分类:剧情 /  加拿大   1988 

简介: 本片不以《圣经》为依据,而是以故事为线索展示心灵内在的信仰冲突。当以色列处于罗马


基督最后的诱惑影评:最後的誘惑 The Last Tempatation




人屆中年,許多人,許多年輕時候光輝燦爛、猶如虹彩的夢想都漸漸褪色、淡去,曾經的追求和理想都慢慢溶於俗世的喧囂和熙攘,朝九晚五和柴米油鹽,生活的塵與土,早就浸潤直到骨子深處裏,曾經的堅持和不屑,則漸漸被生活的瑣碎、無聊和平庸所吞沒,年輕時代的鋒芒畢露和犀利,在眾人細碎的言說中日益磨平,長河流水,如一顆顆圓潤的鵝卵石: 無害、光滑、細密、不分彼此,曾經鮮豔、醒目的色彩也被千篇一律的灰色所覆滿。




The Road not Taken





(Robert Frost)


基督上格格他山(Golgotha)的故事已經被傳頌歌詠了無數世代,除了“偽經(Pseudepigrapha)”和民間傳奇,唯有马丁‧斯科塞斯(Marin Scorsese)的電影造成了軒然大波,這部電影,在許多天主教和基督教信仰占統治主導地位的國家遭到封殺和取締,甚至被列為不可言說之禁忌。除了斯科塞斯基於尼可斯‧卡贊扎基斯(Νίκος Καζαντζάκης, Nikos Kazantzakis)小說令人震驚的劇本改編以外,他還把基督描繪成一個有血有肉,俱有人性種種弱點,被一個不明不白的啟示推上聖子之路,甚至不能識破魔鬼撒旦(Satan)誘惑的凡人。這對於那些把信仰視為神聖不可侵犯的虔誠教徒來說,不啻於是褻瀆與冒犯。我現在還記得,當我第一次在課堂上播放這部電影的時候,就有一個篤信基督教的小男孩,跑上講台來阻止我。不過,“上帝歸上帝,凱撒歸凱撒(Render unto Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's, and unto God the things that are God’s. [Matthew 22:21])”。每個英雄傳說在每個時代都會俱有不同的詮釋和解讀,在我們這個視覺媒體盛宴歡愉的時代,為甚麼不可以對一個約定俗成的傳奇進行另一種解釋? 藝術本就應該挑戰陳規與權威,沒有表達自由,何來創造?

基督在歷經流亡、放逐、監禁及死亡的磨難和屈辱後,在他背負十字架登上格格他山,被施以磔刑(crucifixion)的時候,撒旦化身天使,引誘他離開,帶著他娶了抹大拉的妓女瑪利亞(Mary Magdalene), 並開始接踵而來的婚姻家庭生活,終至臨死一刻,他的十二使徒(Apostles)現身,打破了撒旦的陰謀和花招,基督意識到,這種種世俗生活的情景,只是撒旦施展的小小把戲與黃粱一夢,當他最終在十字架上再次睜開眼睛的時候,他的傳奇寫就,神劇終於落幕。





…Sand after sand, a lonely man is walking in the desert, what is he searching? Is it dream, is it future, is it life, is it exploration, is it love, or is it something unknown?

He walks through the desert, cross the market, among the people, like a prophet from the mountain going down to the floating mundane world, sharing the visions in his eyes of spirit.

After thirties, many men, with their glamorous, splendid dreams in the younger days fading like rainbows, those old pursuits and dreams entangled and mixed in the noisy crowds, the dust and dirt of life, the daily routines and daily messies, have deeply rooted into their hearts and souls, devouring inside. The bygone insistence and distain, are shallowed by the messies, borings, mundanes and mediocres of the daily life. The sharpness and brightness of the younger days, are flattened in the chatting and gossiping of the common people, just like the round, smooth pebbles on the river bed: harmless, smooth, flat, delicate, one like another, all those once bright, vivid colours are all covered and mossed by the same dull shades of grey.

Perhaps, at the midnight, some may awake from the nightmares, some may be shocked in the shivering sunshine at the twelve noon. Some may be anxious by their face and countenances at the present, stroke by the fact that they have become someone they once disliked and disgusted the most. Little by little, dyed with those dark, matt colours by the time and mundane world, just as the forsaken, dusty, ancient mirror in the shadow of a deserted, secret, dark chamber.

Some may be renaissant and revive at once, cut and refuse the messies of the daily life from this moment forward, retaking their dreams from their younger days. Though much more will only murmur a few words to themselves then sink into the mediocre, messies and illusive pleasures of their daily life once again after the initial apostolic flashy shock like the thunder. There are certainly three times to change your destiny in your life, at least. When you aware and realize the stings and pains between your ideal life and the rigid, stubborn real life, you may be just standing at the cross roads of your fate.

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

by Robert Frost


The story of Jesus going up to Golgotha has been told and sung for countless generations, besides the Pseudepigrapha and common folklore, Marin Scorsese’s film has had a great impact on the societies and stirred waves of controversies when it released. The film was banned or censored for several years in many countries with high population of Christianity, even its name was on the list of prohibition once. Besides the shocking and striking plot based on Nikos Kazantzakis’(Νίκος Καζαντζάκης) famous novel under the same title, Scorsese also depicted Christ as a ordinary, fleshy man with all the weakness of the mankind, who was pushed onto the route of God the son by some unknown prophecies, without recognizing the disguise of Satan. This is, for those faithful and devout Christians with holy, inviolable belief, kind of blasphemy and violation, a shit on the face. I still remember, the first time I played this film in the classroom, a Christian boy stood up and came to stop me. but “render unto Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's, and unto God the things that are God’s. Ἀπόδοτε οὖν τὰ Καίσαρος Καίσαρι καὶ τὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ τῷ Θεῷ. [Matthew 22:21])” Every heroic legend will be interpreted and explained in every new era. In this pleasing, abundant visual banquet of our times, why not have another interpretation for a conventual legend? Art itself should challenge the formal rules and authorities — without free expression, how will creation be possible?

After experiencing exile, abandon, imprisonment, threat of death and humiliation, Jesus Christ went onto Golgotha with cross on his back, the one he once built for others. When he suffered from the crucifixion, Satan came to tempt him in form of an angel, guiding him to meet Mary Magdalene he married her and started a daily, ordinary, family life with her. Until his last breath, his twelve Apostles [8] appeared, broke the illusions and tricks of Satan. Then Jesus Christ realized that all the scenes in his daily life are just a little trick and dream created by the Dæmon. When he opened his eyes on the cross once again, his legend was written, and the theatre was done.

Interestingly, besides Merry Magdalene and Jesus Christ, the betrayer Judas, is a vivid and honest character. From an assassin trying to murder Jesus, then his first fellow, faithful and loyal defender and warrior, and the final “betrayer” forming the great, saint, holy Jesus Christ, he is a passionate yet tragic persona. His initial angries, doubts, then faith and the final loyal words makes him a key character through the plot, whose importance is second to that of Jesus Christ. If every history is a contemporary history, why not every legend will be another contemporary legend?

Jesus experienced puzzels, angst, faith, doubts and evades, he wondered in the desert, searching for enlightenment; he preached in crowds, gathering believers; he roared in the temples, arising the anger of the people; he experienced the temptation of power, wealth and fame, and finally, at the moment of his crucifixion, the common daily life successfully tempted him and made him sank into it. All in all, the usual path that daily people take is the most tempting and corroding one. All the power, wealth and fame are just some additional vivid colours and sparks of life itself, like the beautiful, splendid bubbles of waves under the hot, golden sunshine. Only the endless common daily life, like the tides and waves, like the eternal pendulums, striking the reef and beacon standing in the deep ocean, endlessly, tirelessly.



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